Arbutus unedo 'Compacta'
Common name(s): Greek strawberry tree
Description: evergreen shrub/tree; A compact selection that won't get as monstrously tall and wide as most forms of the species. Glossy, evergreen foliage, luxurious reddish bark, and countless clusters of pinkish-white bell flowers in mid autumn that develop into bright red berries. Though the fruit is technically edible, unedo translates to "I eat only one" which you may intepret however you like.
Height: to 6 ft. in 10 years, eventually 10+ ft. Spread: to 6+ ft.
Position: full sun to slight shade and lean, well-draining soil. Will tolerate nearby root competition from larger trees such as pines and firs
Uses: ornamental, to attract pollinators
Winter Hardiness: to 0 F and below
Drought: adapted to 4 months of summer drought
Care: no special care needed