Arctotis fastuosa [red form]
Common name(s): cape daisy, monarch of the veld
Description: perennial (requires protection from frost); a South African species that blooms virtually nonstop throughout the summer and into late autumn. Many cultivars have been bred for varying flower colors and types. Our red-flowered form has gray-green foliage and an upright, rounded growth habit. Flowers open and close daily with the sun. Dead-heading will promote new blooms, but is not necessary.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 2 ft.
Position: full sun and well-draining soil
Uses: ornamental, cut flowers
Winter Hardiness: to 30 F and below
Drought: adapted to 3+ months of summer drought
Care: no special care needed during the growing season
Notes: a popular method for enjoying cape daisies year after year is to grow them in containers and bring them inside or in a garage and place them near a window during winter (or if you are lucky enough to have a greenhouse that is even better). They prefer to be on the drier side in winter and will easily winter over if protected from frost.