Artemisia abrotanum 'Tangerine'

Common name(s): tangerine southernwood, tree southernwood

Description: perennial; 'Tangerine' is a rather rare selection of A. abrotanum that typically doesn't flower and has distinctly upright growth instead of the low, mounding habits found in other southernwood selections. Some say it smells of tangerine but they all smell just about the same which is strongly camphorous. Southernwood is an ancient herb used for medicine, sachets, potpourris and as an air freshener and insect repellent. Strongly aromatic, feathery foliage smells of camphor and dries well. Forms a tall, semi-deciduous shrub that is decidedly longer-lived with utter neglect. 

Height: to 4 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.

Position: full sun and well-draining soil

Uses: ornamental, medicine, potpourri, sachet, as an insect repellent

Winter Hardiness: to 0 F and below

Drought: adapted to 3 months of summer drought

Care: can be relentlessly pruned or shaped anytime from spring-autumn to refresh form and foliage.