Chrysojasminum humile 'Sunshine'

Common name(s): Himalayan jasmine, yellow jasmine

Description: semi-evergreen shrub; an introduction by Xera Plants Inc. of Portland that they selected from seed. More floriferous, smaller-leaved, and more fragrant than the common form of C. humile. A free-standing shrub that will retain its dark green foliage in all but the most severe winters. Prolific blooms of bright yellow flowers in late spring and sporadically throughout summer and into autumn. Tolerates heavy soil.

Height: to 9 ft. Spread: to 5 ft.

Position: full sun to partial shade and well-draining soil

Uses: ornamental, to attract pollinators

Winter Hardiness: to 0 F and below

Drought: adapted to 3.5 months of summer drought

Care: no special care needed, can be pruned hard during the growing season to reshape

Notes: thought to be a cross between C. humile and C. humile f. wallichianum