Cistus ×aguilari 'Maculatus'
Common name(s): rockrose
Description: evergreen shrub; raised by Oscar Warburg from a 1920 backcross of C. ×aguilari with a blotched flower form of C. ladanifer. Vigorous, upright growth and large (8.5 cm.) white flowers with large maroon blotches from spring into summer. Very floriferous. Parentage: C. ladanifer × C. ×aguilari.
Height: to 6 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Position: full sun and lean, well-draining soil. Will tolerate nearby root competition from larger trees such as pines and firs
Uses: ornamental
Winter Hardiness: to 10 F and below
Drought: adapted to 4 months of summer drought
Care: tip-pruning after flowering (especially in the first couple of years) will result in a more attractive, compact plant. Cistus generally won't tolerate or regenerate from hard pruning of older, woody growth.