Cistus salviifolius 'Bonifacio'
Common name(s): rockrose
Description: evergreen shrub; collected by Olivier Filippi at Cape Pertusato, near Bonifacio, Corsica and selected for its very low stature and spreading habit. Small, round leaves and white flowers (5 cm.) from spring into summer.
Height: to 8 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Position: full sun and lean, well-draining soil. Will tolerate nearby root competition from larger trees such as pines and firs. Tolerates some shade.
Uses: ornamental, weed-suppressing groundcover
Winter Hardiness: to 5 F and below
Drought: adapted to 4 months of summer drought
Care: tip-pruning after flowering (especially in the first couple of years) will result in a more attractive, compact plant. Cistus generally won't tolerate or regenerate from hard pruning of older, woody growth.