Cistus 'Snow Fire'

Common name(s): rockrose

Description: evergreen shrub; raised by by the late Eric Sammons around 1979 as a blotched petal equivalent of C. ×laxus 'Snow White.' The most vigorous and monstrous cistus that we've grown- to an eventual 7 ft. tall and even wider. Rounded growth and large (6.5 cm.) blotched white flowers from spring through summer. One of the showiest and longest-blooming cistus if you have the space for it. Parentage: C. ×dansereaui 'Decumbens, C. inflatus, and C. populifolius subsp. major

Height: to 7 ft. Spread: to 8 ft.

Position: full sun and lean, well-draining soil

Uses: ornamental

Winter Hardiness: to 0 F and below

Drought: adapted to 4 months of summer drought

Care: tip-pruning after flowering (especially in the first couple of years) will result in a more attractive, compact plant. Cistus generally won't tolerate or regenerate from hard pruning of older, woody growth. 'Snow Fire' will tolerate more hard pruning than most cistus and can regenerate from some hardwood pruning.