Gladiolus × papilio ex 'Ruby'
Common name(s): butterfly gladiola
Description: perennial; a clumping, iris relative from South Africa with blade-like foliage. Mid-summer brings successions of ruby-red flowers on long stalks to 3 ft. tall. Makes a long-lasting cut flower.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 2 ft.
Position: full sun and well-draining soil
Uses: ornamental, cut flowers, to attract pollinators
Winter Hardiness: to 0 F and below
Drought: adapted to 2.5+ months of summer drought
Care: no special care needed
Notes: considered by some to be G. papilio and by others to be a hybrid of G. papilio. More or less a seed strain in the horticultural world at this point, ours was raised as seedlings of G. ex. 'Ruby' by Wild Ginger Farm in Beavercreek, OR. We only propagate our stock by clonal division though, so what's pictured is what you'll get.