Helianthemum 'Cheviot'

Common name(s): sunrose

Description: perennial; thought to be a hybrid of H. nummularium and named for the Cheviot Hills in Scotland. Low-growing and spreading into a dense, evergreen carpet of pearly, gray foliage. Profuse blooms of small (1 in.) orange-pink flowers in early summer. Longer-lived in very lean soils with little to no supplemental irrigation.

Height: to 8 in. Spread: to 4 ft.

Position: full sun and lean, well-draining soil

Uses: ornamental- as a groundcover

Winter Hardiness: to 0 F and below

Drought: adapted to 3 months of summer drought

Care: Can be pruned back about 1/3 after flowering to promote dense, bushy growth.

Notes: Most popular Helianthemum cultivars are hybrids of H. apenninum, H. nummularium, and (less frequently) H. croceum