Helichrysum italicum 'Wood's Silver'

Common name(s): Wood's silver curry plant

Description: evergreen shrub; a selection made by the late Oregon plantsman, Ed Wood. Tidier growth and more silvery foliage than the common form. Grows into a low mound of pleasantly aromatic foliage that smells of curry spices when brushed. Mustard yellow flower clusters in summer. This is not the curry leaf popular in South Asian cuisine (see Murraya koenigii) but it is used very sparingly in medicine and some cuisines around the Mediterranean.

Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.

Position: full sun and lean, well-draining soil

Uses: medicine, culinary- used sparsely in some Mediterranean cuisine, ornamental

Winter Hardiness: to 5 F and below

Drought: adapted to 5 months of summer drought

Care: can be pruned hard in spring after danger of frost to reshape and rejuvenate foliage