Lavandula 'Bee Brilliant'
Common name(s): Spanish lavender
Description: evergreen shrub; selected for a long bloom period and performance in humid conditions. Vigorous, upswept growth with gray-green foliage and dark purple corollas with light purple bracts.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 8-12 in.
Corolla: dark purple
Sterile bracts: light purple
Bloom season: spring-autumn
Best Uses: landscaping, containers, rock gardens
Origin: part of the 1997 "Bee Series" bred by Bob Cherry and John Robb of Paradise Plants in New South Wales, Australia.
Position: full sun and lean, well-draining soil
Winter Hardiness: to 5 F and below
Drought: adapted to 5 months of summer drought
Care: no special care needed, prune hard in spring to reshape and rejuvenate foliage