Lavandula ×ginginsii 'Goodwin Creek Gray'

Common name(s): n/a

Description: evergreen shrub; attractive, rounded growth with deeply toothed, wooly foliage and long, slender flower spikes from mid summer well into autumn. Considerably longer-lived in very lean, gritty soils with little to no supplemental irrigation.

Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.

Stem length: 8-12 in.  

Corolla: dark blue

Calyx: dull purple

Bloom season: mid summer to autumn

Best Uses: containers, rock gardens

Origin: 'Goodwin Creek Gray' was the first recorded cross between L. dentata and L. lanata and was formally described as a new hybrid species in 1992 after being discovered by Jim and Dotty Becker of Goodwin Creek Gardens in Williams, Oregon

Position: full sun and well-draining soil

Winter Hardiness: to 10 F and below

Drought: adapted to 5 months of summer drought