Lavandula ×intermedia 'Hidcote Giant'

Common name(s): lavandin

Description: evergreen shrub; a rather distinctive lavandin because of its dense, unusually shaped flower spikes and overall habit. Vigorous, upswept growth and very sweetly fragrant, violet flower spikes on long stems. A favorite for dried bouquets.

Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 5 ft.

Stem length: 20-24 in.  

Corolla: vibrant violet

Calyx: mid violet with sage green at the base

Bloom season: mid summer

Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, essential oil, bouquets, crafts

Origin: Major Lawrence Johnston of Hidcote Manor, UK (prior to 1957)

Position: full sun and well-draining soil

Winter Hardiness: to 0 F and below

Drought: adapted to 4 months of summer drought