Lavandula 'Willow Vale'

Common name(s): Spanish lavender

Description: evergreen shrub; one of only four cultivars of lavender in Section Stoechas to hold an Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. Upswept, compact growth  and dark purple-black corollas with mid purple bracts.

Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 18 in.

Stem length: 4-6 in.  

Corolla: dark purple-black

Sterile bracts: mid purple with dark purple midribs

Bloom season: spring-autumn

Best Uses: landscaping, containers, rock gardens

Origin: a selection from a garden in New South Wales that was introduced in 1992. 

Position: full sun and well-draining soil

Winter Hardiness: to 5 F and below

Drought: adapted to 5 months of summer drought

Care: no special care needed, prune hard in spring to reshape and rejuvenate foliage