Mentha pulegium
Common name(s): pennyroyal
Description: perennial; an aromatic mint species from the Easten Mediterranean with spearmint-scented leaves and mauve flower clusters in summer. Used by ancient Greeks and Romans as an insect repellant (pulegium in Latin refers to fleas for which it was used as a remedy), as a culinary herb, and in medicine. Known as menta romana in Rome and popular as a flavoring for lamb and tripe. An essential ingredient in the Algerian dish, batata fliou.
Height: to 8 in. Spread: to 4 ft.
Position: full sun or shade and moist soil
Uses: aromatherapy, insect repellent, medicine, culinary
Winter Hardiness: to 0 F and below
Distibution: Europe, N. Africa, W. Asia