Myrtus communis 'Redside'

Common name(s): myrtle

Description: evergreen shrub; bred and introduced by Cistus Design Nursery. Reddish stems and red-flushed leaves on new growth. Fragrant white star flowers in early summer followed by blue-black berries in autumn. Berries and leaves have been used since ancient times in medicine, cooking, and rituals. Known as 'the wedding herb' since Roman times and still a common addition to bridal bouquets.

Height: to 5 ft. Spread: to 5 ft.

Position: full sun and well-draining soil

Uses: culinary- to flavor meat, liqueurs, stews and stuffings, medicine, ornamental- as a specimen plant or low hedge

Winter Hardiness: to 10 F and below

Drought: adapted to 4 months of summer drought

Care: no special care needed, can be pruned in spring or summer to reshape