Salvia apiana
Common name(s): white sage, sacred sage
Description: evergreen shrub; native to S. California & Baja California with a long history of use for food, medicine, and ceremonies by several First Nations peoples including the Cahuilla and Chumash. Powerfully aromatic foliage and long spikes of white flowers in summer. Very notable as a pollinator plant. Easily damaged by hard frosts and not easy to cultivate in areas with cold winters.
Height: to 4 ft. Spread: to 6 ft.
Position: full sun and lean, well-draining soil -ideally in a light, sandy soil positioned under an awning or evergreen tree that can deflect snow, ice, and rain.
Uses: ornamental, to attract pollinators
Winter Hardiness: to 25 F and below
Drought: adapted to 5 months of summer drought
Distribution: S. California and NW Mexico
Care: no special care needed
Notes: wild populations of S. apiana are currently being illegally over-harvested for profit. For those who wish to smudge with white sage we strongly encourage finding ethically-sourced products or making your own smudge sticks from nursery-grown plants.