Salvia arizonica
Common name(s): Arizona blue sage
Description: perennial; found in dry, shady biomes in the Sky Islands of S. Arizona and N. Mexico as well as the Chisos Mountains of SW Texas. Low, spreading growth with aromatic, triangular leaves and abundant blue-violet flower spikes in summer. Performs best with morning sun and afternoon shade.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 2 ft.
Position: partial shade and well-draining soil
Uses: ornamental, to attract pollinators
Winter Hardiness: to 0 F and below
Drought: adapted to 3 months of summer drought
Distribution: U.S. (Arizona, Texas), N.E. Mexico
Care: prune to 6 inches above the ground in spring (after all danger of last frost) to rejuvenate foliage. Adding a 1-2 inch layer of gravel around the base increases survivability and prevents crown rot. Cutting back spent blooms in summer will encourage more blooming but is not necessary. No fertilizer.