Salvia fruticosa × S. officinalis 'Newe Ya'ar'
Common name(s): Newe Ya’ar sage, silver sage
Description: evergreen shrub; a hybrid dalmation sage developed by horticulturalists in Israel to withstand harsh climates. Gaining popularity amongst chefs and consumers for its color retention when cooked and long shelf life when dried. It's also reported to be lower in camphor content and have a milder, more pleasant flavor than most garden sages. Downy, silver leaves and blue flowers in summer.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 2 ft.
Position: full sun and lean, well-draining soil
Uses: medicine, culinary- savory dishes, stuffing, herbal tea, liqueurs and bitters
Winter Hardiness: to 10 F and below
Drought: adapted to 3+ months of summer drought
Care: no special care needed, tip-pruning when young will promote branching and denser growth
Notes: formerly its own species (S. lavandulifolia) but currently classified as a subspecies of S. officinalis