Salvia rosmarinus 'Calvor's Sicilian'

Common name(s): rosemary

Description: evergreen shrub; a gorgeous semi-trailing form shared by Calvor Palmeteer of Vancouver, BC that has reportedly withstood numerous low temperature spells of 0°F with minimal damage. Semi-upright growth and dark blue flowers in autumn and winter.

Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.

Position: full sun and well-draining soil

Uses: culinary, medicine, cosmetics, landscaping

Winter Hardiness: to 0 F and below

Drought: Adapted to 4 months of summer drought

Notes: the following is an account of this cultivar by Cistus Design Nursery from whom we first acquired our stock:

"Named on September 11, 2009, this lovely new rosemary from our friend Calvor Palmeteer, of Victoria, came from his grandmother's garden in Vancouver, BC, having been brought there many years ago from Sicily. Densely upright with deep blue winter flowers, yet spilling gracefully with little provocation, over walls or other suitable spots."