Salvia rosmarinus 'Lockwood de Forest'
Common name(s): rosemary
Description: evergreen shrub; a very floriferous selection from California with light green foliage and pale blue flowers in autumn and winter. Trailing growth habit.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 6 ft.
Position: full sun and well-draining soil
Uses: culinary, medicine, cosmetics, landscaping
Winter Hardiness: to 15 F and below
Drought: Adapted to 4 months of summer drought
Notes: a seedling discovered in the garden of Lockwood and Elizabeth de Forest in 1930 that was presumed to be a hybrid of an upright and a prostrate form. The flowers were described by Elizabeth de Forest as having "the color of the old French air force uniform" and in 1976 she mentioned it was the most common prostrate cultivar in Santa Barbara at the time.