Salvia rosmarinus 'Shady Acres'
Common name(s): rosemary
Description: evergreen shrub; a 1999 introduction by Theresa Mieseler of Shady Acres Herb Farm, MN. Vigorous, upright growth with dark green foliage and dark blue flowers in spring. An excellent culinary choice.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Position: full sun and well-draining soil
Uses: culinary, medicine, cosmetics, landscaping
Winter Hardiness: to 10 F and below
Drought: Adapted to 4 months of summer drought
Notes: a quote from Rex Talbert concerning the analysis of Shady Acres Rosemary, distilled by Dr. Arthur Tucker, February, 2001: “The data that Arthur (Dr. Arthur Tucker) sent you indicates that indeed our noses were correct and your rosemary would make an excellent cooking rosemary. The low amounts of camphor and camphene not only are less toxic but except to rare tastes, some oriental recipes, are generally found to be objectionable flavors. The alpha pinene (pine scent), geraniol (rose scent), bornyl acetate, isoborneol and borneol (rosemary scents) make for a pleasant and recognizable rosemary fragrance. The relatively high verbenone is valued by herbal medicinal practitioners and is comparatively rare.”