Salvia rosmarinus 'Tuscan Blue'
Common name(s): rosemary
Description: evergreen shrub; collected from Tuscany, Italy by W. Arnold-Forster prior to 1948. A columnar growth habit with broad green foliage.
Height: to 5 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Position: full sun and well-draining soil
Uses: culinary, medicine, cosmetics, landscaping
Winter Hardiness: to 10 F and below
Drought: Adapted to 4 months of summer drought
Notes: 'Tuscan Blue' has been widely missaplied to different rosemary clones (often 'Taylor's Blue') throughout the nursery trade most with narrow foliage and growth habits that would hardly be described as columnar. We sell the original 'Tuscan Blue' which matches the descriptions of the original specimen collected in Tuscany.