Salvia 'UC Pink'
Common name(s): n/a
Description: perennial; one of the largest, most vigorous growers of the S. microphylla-types. Aromatic foliage and dark pink flower spikes from summer until first frost.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Position: full sun and well-draining soil
Uses: ornamental, to attract hummingbirds
Winter Hardiness: to 5 F and below
Drought: adapted to 3 months of summer drought
Care: prune to 6 inches above the ground in spring (after all danger of last frost) to rejuvenate foliage. Adding a 1-2 inch layer of gravel around the base increases survivability and prevents crown rot. Cutting back spent blooms in summer will encourage more blooming but is not necessary. No fertilizer.
Notes: we received our original clone from Joy Creek Nursery of Oregon but there is not much information available on the origin of this cultivar. It is possibly the same clone as Salvia 'UCB' which originated at the UC Berkley Botanical Garden sometime during or before the 1990s.