Illustration of Symphytum tauricum in Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Vol. 44 (1912). [Public Domain]

Genus: Symphytum

Common Names: comfrey

Description coming soon.

Distribution: Europe, West Asia

Our Selection

Symphytum ×uplandicum 'Bocking 14'

Common name(s): comfrey, Russian comfrey

Description: perennial; a naturally occurring hybrid of common comfrey (S. officinale) and prickly comfrey (S. asperum) that is sterile and will not take over the garden. A very versatile herb with too many uses to list; spreads slowly by rhizome into a small colony. Pale purple flowers in early summer.

Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.

Position: full sun to partial shade

Uses: medicine, poultry feed, compost, to attract pollinators, and more

Winter Hardiness: to 0 F and below

Symphytum RASPBERRY QUEEN 'Well-Sweep'

Common name(s): raspberry queen comfrey

Description: perennial; a red-flowered comfrey of hybrid origin from Well-Sweep Herb Farm of New Jersey. Sterile as far as we can tell and has all the same benefits and uses of the common comfrey. Spreads by rhizomes into a smally colony and blooms from late spring into summer.

Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 4 ft.

Position: full sun to partial shade

Uses: medicine, poultry feed, compost, to attract pollinators, and more

Winter Hardiness: to 0 F and below