Illustration of T. vulgaris in Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen in naturgetreuen Abbildungen mit kurz erläuterndem (1887). [Public Domain]
Genus: Thymus
Common Names: thyme
Cultural Significance: "the Romans took thyme to the countries they conquered in northern Europe, including T. vulgaris, which is native to the Mediterranean region. Thyme has been used in cooking, medicinally as an antiseptic and for coughs and chest conditions, in pot pourri and as an aromatic strewing herb. (1)"
Forms: prostrate, mat-forming, upright, etc.
Distribution: "throughout Europe and much of Asia, from Scandinavia in the north and the Iberian Peninsula in the south west, including the islands, eastwards through western and central Europe, the Mediterranean countries, including north west Africa north of the Sahara, Turkey, Russia, Mongolia and Japan and as far south as the Himalaya. (1)"
1. Introduction. The Thymus Website. Retrieved 2023.
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