Illustration of Santolina chamaecyparissus by Elizabeth Blackwell (1750). [Public Domain]
Genus: Santolina
Common Names: various
Description coming soon.
Distribution: Europe, Northwest Africa
Our Selection
Santolina 'Edward Bowles'
Description: evergreen shrub; a 20th century selection by Hillier and Sons of England named for the famous British horticulturist, Edward Augustus Bowles. Vigorous, rounded growth with feathery, gray-green foliage and cream white flowers in summer. Thrives in dry, rocky areas with nutrient-poor soil.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Santolina 'Lemon Queen'
Description: evergreen shrub; rounded growth with strongly aromatic, gray-green foliage and pale yellow button flowers in summer. Very similar to S. 'Edward Bowles'. Thrives in dry, rocky areas with nutrient-poor soil.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Santolina 'Little Nicky'
Description: evergreen shrub; a curious, miniature green santolina with very compact green foliage and mustard yellow button flowers in summer. A popular choice in rock gardens and for landscaping around miniature train sets. Thrives in dry, rocky areas with nutrient-poor soil.
Height: to 8 in. Spread: to 1 ft.
Santolina 'Morning Mist'
Description: evergreen shrub; a low-growing santolina with very narrow gray-green foliage and yellow flowers in summer. Can become quite gangly if not pruned regularly. Allegedly quite tolerant of wet, compacted soils but thrives in dry, rocky areas with nutrient-poor soil.
Height: to 15 in. Spread: to 2 ft.
Santolina 'Primrose Gem'
Description: perennial; compact, rounded growth with aromatic, feathery green foliage and pale yellow button flowers in summer. Stunning when interplanted with lavenders. Thrives in dry, rocky areas with nutrient-poor soil.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Santolina benthamiana
Description: evergreen shrub; native to the Pyrenees Mountains. Rounded growth with aromatic, gray-green foliage and cream-yellow button flowers in summer. Thrives in dry, rocky areas with nutrient-poor soil.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Santolina chamaecyparissus 'Pretty Carroll'
Description: evergreen shrub; a selection from Carroll Gardens of Westminster, Maryland. More compact growth than the standard forms of S. chamaecyparissus. Feathery, gray foliage and mustard yellow button flowers in summer. Thrives in dry, rocky areas with nutrient-poor soil.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Santolina chamaecyparissus 'Nana'
Description: evergreen shrub; a smaller, more compact form of gray santolina collected from the Balearic Islands. Feathery, gray foliage and mustard yellow button flowers in summer. Thrives in dry, rocky areas with nutrient-poor soil.
Height: to 1 ft. Spread: to 2 ft.
Santolina corsica syn: Santolina insularis
Description: evergreen shrub; native to Corsica and Sardinia. Compact, rounded growth with finely-cut. gray-green leaves and a very powerful aroma. Golden yellow button flowers in summer. Thrives in dry, rocky areas with nutrient-poor soil.
Height: to 15 in. Spread: to 2 ft.
Santolina etrusca
Description: evergreen shrub; a vigorous species endemic to Italy. Rounded growth with feathery, green foliage and cream yellow flowers in summer. Thrives in dry, rocky areas with nutrient-poor soil.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 2 ft.
Santolina magonica
Description: evergreen; rounded, spreading growth with a uniquely horizontal branching habit. Aromatic, silvery foliage and yellow button flowers in summer. Thrives in dry, rocky areas with nutrient-poor soil.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.