Illustration of Lavandula angustifolia by Franz Eugen Köhler in Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen (1887). [Public Domain]
Genus: Lavandula
Common Name(s): lavender
A genus of around 40 species, some of which have been cultivated since ancient Greek times and possibly earlier for medicinal and culinary use. In more recent history, several lavender species have been cultivated extensively for the production of essential oils (mainly L. angustifolia, L. ×intermedia, and L. latifolia). In addition to medicinal and culinary uses, lavenders are grown for cut flower bouquets and dried flower buds, which are popular in numerous crafts (wreaths, lavender wands, sachets, etc.). Lavenders are also commonly grown as ornamentals and can make attractive, fragrant hedges.
Distribution: Canary Islands, Northern Africa, the Mediterranean Basin and eastward to India
Our Selection (for a simple list see Botanical A-Z)
Lavandula (Section Stoechas)
We refer to this group as Section Stoechas because the three included species, L. stoechas, L. pedunculata, and L. viridis, all hybridize freely with each other. Most cultivars are of unknown hybrid origin, even though they are often incorrectly marketed as cultivars of L. stoechas.
Often referred to as 'Spanish lavender', these cultivars are easily identified by their "pinecone-shaped" flower heads and distinctly aromatic foliage. L. stoechas species have been used medicinally since ancient times and were famously used by the Romans to scent and clean their bath water and linens. They bloom before L. angustifolia and its hybrids and for a longer period.
Care: Lavandula (Section Stoechas) species are native to stony, sandy habitats in degraded, acidic soils throughout the driest parts of the Mediterranean Basin and are generally adapted to 5 months of summer drought. For longevity in a garden setting they should be sited in lean, fast-draining soils and irrigated rarely or never. Over-watering or fertilizing can lead to tender, rapid growth that is more susceptible to winter damage and mortality. Hard pruning should be done in spring and spent flowers can be sheared throughout the bloom period to encourage further blooms.
Lavandula 'Bee Brilliant'
Description: evergreen shrub; selected for a long bloom period and performance in humid conditions. Vigorous, upswept growth with gray-green foliage and dark purple corollas with light purple bracts.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 8-12 in.
Corolla: dark purple
Sterile bracts: light purple
Bloom season: spring-autumn
Best Uses: landscaping, containers, rock gardens
Lavandula 'Evelyn Cadzow'
Description: evergreen shrub; one of the smallest L. stoechas hybrids in cultivation. Compact, rounded growth with light green foliage and small flower heads with dark corollas and reddish-purple bracts.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 18 in.
Stem length: 4-6 in.
Corolla: dark purple-black
Sterile bracts: red-purple
Bloom season: spring-autumn
Best Uses: containers, rock gardens
Lavandula 'Ivory Crown'
Description: evergreen shrub; vigorous, upswept growth with very aromatic foliage and contrasting dark purple corollas with short, ivory white bracts.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: dark purple
Sterile bracts: ivory
Bloom season: spring-autumn
Best Uses: landscaping, containers, rock gardens
Lavandula 'Pretty Polly'
Description: evergreen shrub; one of only four cultivars of lavender in Section Stoechas to hold an Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. Upswept, gradually spreading growth and dark violet corollas and yellowish-white bracts with distinct green midribs.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 2-4 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Sterile bracts: yellowish-white with green midribs
Bloom season: spring-autumn
Best Uses: landscaping, containers, rock gardens
Lavandula 'Tickled Pink'
Description: evergreen shrub; very floriferous with flowers held close to the foliage. Compact, upswept growth with very dark purple-black corollas complemented by light mauve bracts.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: dark purple-black
Sterile bracts: mauve with purple-red veins
Bloom season: spring-autumn
Best Uses: landscaping, containers, rock gardens
Lavandula 'Willow Vale'
Description: evergreen shrub; one of only four cultivars of lavender in Section Stoechas to hold an Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. Upswept, compact growth and dark purple-black corollas with mid purple bracts.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 18 in.
Stem length: 4-6 in.
Corolla: dark purple-black
Sterile bracts: mid purple with dark purple midribs
Bloom season: spring-autumn
Best Uses: landscaping, containers, rock gardens
Lavandula 'Wings of Night'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, bushy growth with dark purple-black corollas and especially long, showy light purple bracts.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 in.
Stem length: 4-6 in.
Corolla: dark purple-black
Sterile bracts: light purple
Bloom season: spring-autumn
Best Uses: landscaping, containers, rock gardens
Lavandula pedunculata subsp. pedunculata 'James Compton'
Description: evergreen shrub; vigorous growth with aromatic, gray-green foliage and dark purple-black corollas with dark purple-mauve bracts.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 2 ft.
Habit: compact, upswept
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: dark purple-black
Sterile bracts: dark purple-mauve
Bloom season: spring-autumn
Best Uses: landscaping, containers, rock gardens
Lavandula stoechas subsp. stoechas f. leucantha
Description: evergreen shrub; a seldom-offered, pure white form of L. stoechas. Compact, rounded growth with white flowerheads.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 4-6 in.
Corolla: white
Sterile bracts: white
Bloom season: spring-autumn
Best Uses: landscaping, containers, rock gardens
Lavandula stoechas subsp. stoechas f. rosea 'Peter's Pink'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, rounded growth with aromatic green foliage and magenta-red flowerheads from spring through the summer. Requires perfectly draining soil to thrive in our climate. May self-seed a bit, if left to its own devices.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 18 in.
Stem length: 1-2 in.
Corolla: dark reddish-purple
Sterile bracts: pale pink with reddish midribs
Bloom season: spring-autumn
Best Uses: landscaping, containers, rock gardens
Lavandula viridis
Description: evergreen shrub; a species native to Portugal and Spain and easily recognizable by its white corollas, short, whitish-green bracts, and distinctively aromatic foliage. Vigorous, rounded growth. Performs best in gritty, perfectly-draining soils with little to no supplemental water.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 18 in.
Stem length: 2-4 in.
Corolla: white
Sterile bracts: yellowish-white with green midribs
Bloom season: spring-autumn
Best Uses: landscaping, containers, rock gardens
Lavandula ×chaytoriae
An artificial hybrid (one that does not occur in wild populations) of L. angustifolia and L. lanata discovered during the mid-1980s in an English garden. Compared to L. lanata they are much larger shrubs with denser, wider flower spikes and a higher quality and yield of essential oil. Compared to L. angustifolia they have more persistently silver foliage, increased adaptation to drought, darker violet corollas, and a slightly later bloom period.
Care: cultivars of Lavandula ×chaytoriae are adapted to 4 months of summer drought and should be irrigated rarely or never once established. For longevity in a garden setting they should be sited in well-drained, low nutrient soils with good air circulation. Over-watering or fertilizing can lead to tender, rapid growth that is more susceptible to fungal attacks in summer and foliar damage in winter. Hard pruning should be done in early spring as well as a lighter pruning after blooming in late summer.
Lavandula ×chaytoriae 'Ana Luisa'
Description: evergreen shrub; one of the largest cultivars of the ×chaytoriae lavenders. Rounded, sprawling growth with silver-white foliage and fragrant, dark purple flower spikes on long stems.
Height: to 4 ft. Spread: to 5 ft.
Stem length: 12-14 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, crafts, bouquets, potpourri, oil distillation
Lavandula ×chaytoriae 'Andreas'
Description: evergreen shrub; low and spreading with soft, silver foliage that is especially attractive in winter. Long stems and sweetly fragrant dark violet-blue flower spikes.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 12-14 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Calyx: dark blue
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, crafts, bouquets, potpourri
Lavandula ×chaytoriae 'Bridehead Blue'
Description: evergreen shrub; rounded growth with soft, silver foliage and sweetly fragrant, dark purple flower spikes on long stems.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 12-15 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, crafts, bouquets, potpourri, oil distillation
Lavandula ×chaytoriae 'Gorgeous'
Description: evergreen shrub; one of the darkest flowers of the ×chaytoriae group and the only one known to produce fertile seed. Rounded growth with soft, silver foliage and pungently fragrant, dark purple flower spikes.
Height: to 28 in. Spread: to 28 in.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, bouquets, potpourri
Lavandula ×chaytoriae 'Isabel'
Description: evergreen shrub; rounded growth with soft, silver foliage and sweetly fragrant violet flower spikes. An excellent alternative to traditional field varieties with increased resistance to drought stress.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 12-14 in.
Corolla: violet
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, crafts, bouquets, potpourri, oil distillation
Lavandula ×chaytoriae 'Jennifer'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, rounded growth with soft, silver foliage and long stems with dense, dark purple flower spikes. Similar to 'Lisa Marie' but more vigorous with better form and larger flower spikes. A favorite for crafts and bouquets.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 12-16 in.
Corolla: dark violet-blue
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, crafts, bouquets, potpourri
Lavandula ×chaytoriae 'Joan Head'
Description: evergreen shrub; vigorous, rounded growth with soft, silver foliage and sweetly pungent dark purple flower spikes.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 12-18 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, crafts, bouquets, potpourri
Lavandula ×chaytoriae 'Lisa Marie'
Description: evergreen shrub; low, compact growth with soft, silver foliage and very fragrant dark purple flower spikes.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, bouquets, potpourri
Lavandula ×chaytoriae 'Richard Grey'
Description: evergreen shrub; low, compact growth with soft, silver foliage and dark purple flower spikes.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: violet
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, crafts, bouquets, potpourri
Lavandula ×chaytoriae 'Sawyers'
Common name(s): n/a
Description: evergreen shrub; low, compact growth with soft, silver foliage and sweetly pungent dark purple flower spikes
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 12-16 in.
Corolla: violet
Calyx: deep dark blue
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, crafts, bouquets, potpourri
Lavandula ×chaytoriae SILVER FROST 'Kathleen Elizabeth'
Description: evergreen shrub; upswept, bushy growth with soft, silver foliage and fragrant, dark purple flower spikes on long stems. A favorite for winter foliage.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 12-16 in.
Corolla: dark violet-blue
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, crafts, bouquets, potpourri, oil distillation
Lavandula ×christiana
Description: evergreen shrub; a vigorous hybrid species of disputed parentage that was discovered in the Moroccan garden of botanist, Jean Gattefossé in 1943. Deeply dissected foliage and bright violet-blue flowers on branched peduncles (stems) that create a trident shape. Will not tolerate any amount of frost but can easily be wintered over in a greenhouse or grown as an annual outdoors.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 12-20 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Bloom season: year round (if protected from frost)
Best Uses: containers, as an annual
Lavandula ×ginginsii 'Goodwin Creek Gray'
Description: evergreen shrub; attractive, rounded growth with deeply toothed, wooly foliage and long, slender flower spikes from mid summer well into autumn. Considerably longer-lived in very lean, gritty soils with little to no supplemental irrigation.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-12 in.
Corolla: dark blue
Calyx: dull purple
Bloom season: mid summer to autumn
Best Uses: containers, rock gardens
Lavandula ×intermedia
A naturally occurring hybrid between L. angustifolia and L. latifolia commonly known as 'lavandin' and sometimes as 'French lavender'. Compared to both parents, L. ×intermedia are generally larger and more robust plants with larger, more abundant flower spikes and longer stems. They produce the highest yield of essential oil; however due to higher camphor content, the essential oil is is considered of lower quality than that of L. angustifolia. They are faster-growing than both parents and are often favored for landscaping and hedges as well as for crafts such as lavender wands or wreaths due to their long stems.
Care: cultivars of Lavandula ×intermedia are adapted to 4 months of summer drought and should be irrigated rarely or never once established. For longevity in a garden setting they should be sited in well-drained, low nutrient soils with good air circulation. Over-watering or fertilizing can lead to tender, rapid growth that is more susceptible to fungal attacks in summer and foliar damage in winter. Hard pruning should be done in early spring as well as a lighter pruning after blooming in late summer.
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Abrialii'
Description: evergreen shrub; also known as 'Abrialis.' A French field cultivar that dominated lavandin production in France from 1930-1960 and at one point accounted for 80% of the market. In the 1970s, more disease-resistant cultivars were required for monoculture farming and 'Super' and 'Grosso' gained popularity. Dense, silver-gray foliage and upward sweeping branches with wide-spreading growth. Very fragrant dark violet flower spikes on long stems.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 12-16 in.
Corolla: mid violet
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, essential oil, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Alba'
Description: evergreen shrub; the oldest of the white-flowered lavandins currently in cultivation. Vigorous, upswept growth and fragrant, white flower spikes on long stems. Young calyces have green, green-pink, or yellow tips which differentiates it from 'Edelweiss' (in addition to its growth habit, grayer foliage, and cylindrical flower spikes.)
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 14-16 in.
Corolla: white
Calyx: sage green sometimes with a tinge of purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia ANNIVERSARY BOUQUET 'Dowannibouq'
Description: evergreen shrub; bred to have tapered flower spikes that are both large and uniform. Vigorous, rounded growth with fragrant dark violet flower spikes on long, sturdy stems. A favorite for bouquets both fresh and dried and stunning in a hedge or mass planting.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 10-15 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Calyx: dark violet-blue
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Bleu de Collines'
Description: evergreen shrub; a French cultivar that translates to "blue of the hills." The foliage is compact and the growth habit and overall appearance is quite similar to 'Grosso' but the flowers are much darker purple. A better choice for bouquets and crafts, especially dried. Very fragrant dark purple flower spikes on long stems.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 12-16 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Bogong'
Description: evergreen shrub; a robust shrub with a tidy, upswept habit. Mid-green foliage and uniform flower spikes make it a favorite for hedges and mass plantings. Dark violet-blue flower spikes on long stems with a mild, but pleasant fragrance. 'Bogong' translates to "big moth" in an indigenous language of Australia.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 10-14 in.
Corolla: dark violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, essential oil, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Dutch'
Description: evergreen shrub; an old European cultivar originally distinguished by its bushy growth and lighter gray foliage than other lavenders of that era. Dense, broad foliage with an overall silver-gray apperance and a tidy, mounding habit. Sharply fragrant light violet-blue flower spikes on long stems.
Height: to 4 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 12-16 in.
Corolla: bright violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia DUTCH MILL 'Barbara Joan'
Description: evergreen shrub; selected for good resistance to cold and long stems suitable for crafting. Robust, rounded growth with pungently fragrant, dense purple flower spikes on long stems.
Height: to 4 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 12-20 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, essential oil, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Edelweiss'
Description: evergreen shrub; gray-green foliage and slender, tapered flower spikes that have pinkish buds before blooming. Fragrance is strong, sweet, and pleasant. Habit is more sprawling and fan-shaped than the similar cultivar 'Alba'.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 14-20 in.
Corolla: pure white (rarely with a pink flush)
Calyx: soft mauve and sage green with pink tips
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, essential oil, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Fat Spike'
Description: evergreen shrub; dense, rounded growth with gray-green foliage with very fragrant violet-blue flowers. Similar to 'Grosso' but the flower spikes are larger and the oil is of lesser quality. Ideal for bouquets and crafts but not for essential oil.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 5 ft.
Stem length: 12-16 in.
Corolla: dark violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Fragrant Memories'
Description: evergreen shrub; reputed to be one of the best lavenders for foliage and overall appearance when not in bloom. Neat, compact growth with very narrow, silver-gray foliage and very fragrant purple flower spikes on especially long stems.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 5 ft.
Stem length: 15-24 in.
Corolla: violet
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Gros Bleu'
Description: evergreen shrub; upswept growth with gray-green foliage and pleasantly fragrant, slender dark purple flower spikes on long stems. Considered to be among the darkest-flowered of the L. ×intermedia hybrids. Popular in dried bouquets and potpourri.
Height: to 4 ft. Spread: to 5 ft.
Stem length: 20-24 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Grosso'
Description: evergreen shrub; a 1972 discovery by M. Pierre Grosso, a French farmer. It is more vigorous and more resistant to the "dépérissement" that ravaged the 'Abrialii' fields in the 1950s and 60s. By 1975 it already accounted for 10% of French lavandin crop and by 1980 it was reported to be 55%. Though very high-yielding, the essential oil of 'Grosso' is strongly camphorous (considered lower quality) so it is most commonly used in the detergent, powders, etc. industries. 'Grosso' is currently the most commonly grown commercial lavandin in the world but it should also be noted that Pierre Grosso died in absolute poverty in 1989. Compact growth with silvery foliage and pungently fragrant, violet flower spikes on long stems in an open, fan-like pattern.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 5 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, essential oil, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia HEAVENLY ANGEL 'Dowphangel'
Common name(s): lavandin
Description: evergreen shrub; part of the Heavenly Series (2013) that were developed to grow into shorter mounds (easier to harvest) than typical lavandins while maintaining the long stems and high oil yields. This is the smallest of the white-flowered lavandins with robust growth and fragrant, pure white flower spikes on long stems.
Height: to 20 in. Spread: to 18 in.
Stem length: 12-16 in.
Corolla: pure white
Calyx: sage green with dark violet at the apex
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, essential oil, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia HEAVENLY NIGHT 'Dowphnight'
Description: evergreen shrub; part of the Heavenly Series (2013) that were developed to grow into shorter mounds (easier to harvest) than typical lavandins while maintaining the long stems and high oil yields. Low, compact foliage and fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on long stems. An excellent plant for oil production.
Height: to 22 in. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 12-16 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, essential oil, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia HEAVENLY SCENT 'Dowphscent'
Description: evergreen shrub; part of Downderry Nursery's 2013 Heavenly Series that were developed to grow into shorter mounds (easier to harvest) than typical lavandins while maintaining the long stems and high oil yields. Low, dense growth and fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on long stems. Reputed to be excellent for oil production.
Height: to 22 in. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 12-16 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Calyx: dark purple with sage green at the base
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, essential oil, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Hidcote Giant'
Description: evergreen shrub; a rather distinctive lavandin because of its dense, unusually shaped flower spikes and overall habit. Vigorous, upswept growth and very sweetly fragrant, violet flower spikes on long stems. A favorite for dried bouquets.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 5 ft.
Stem length: 20-24 in.
Corolla: vibrant violet
Calyx: mid violet with sage green at the base
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, essential oil, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Impress Purple'
Description: evergreen shrub; robust, bushy growth and mildly fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on long stems.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 5 ft.
Stem length: 12-18 in.
Corolla: mid violet
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Jaubert'
Description: evergreen shrub; dense, upswept growth and mildly fragrant, pale violet flower spikes on long stems. Spectacular as a specimen plant or in a mass planting. Notable for its long, elegant flower spikes and floriferous blooms.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 14-18 in.
Corolla: mid violet-mauve
Calyx: dark violet with sage green at the base
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Marge Clark'
Description: evergreen shrub; a cultivar named for the late author and herbalist, Marge Clark, who tragically passed away in an automobile accident. Compact growth with silver foliage and fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on long stems.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 12-15 in.
Corolla: pale violet-blue
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Old English'
Common name(s): lavandin
Description: evergreen shrub; robust, upswept growth and pleasantly fragrant, blue-violet flower spikes on long stems.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 5 ft.
Stem length: 16-22 in.
Corolla: bright violet-blue
Calyx: dark purple with sage green near the base
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia OLYMPIA 'Downoly'
Description: evergreen shrub; easily recognizable in a field of a hundred cultivars for its uniform, very dark purple flower spikes on a compact bush. Stays relatively short compared to other ×intermedia cultivars. Very fragrant dark purple flower spikes on long stems. One of our favorites.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: dark violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Pale Pretender'
Description: evergreen shrub; robust, upswept growth with broad, green-gray foliage and fragrant, pale violet flower spikes on long stems. Has the broadest leaves and palest flowers of the L. ×intermedia hybrids.
Height: to 4 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 22-30 in.
Corolla: soft violet
Calyx: dark purple with sage green near the base
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Provence'
Description: evergreen shrub; vigorous, robust growth and very fragrant, mauve flower spikes on exceptionally long stems. Popular for crafts and bouquets but not considered suitable as an essential oil plant.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 5 ft.
Stem length: 22-28 in.
Corolla: pale violet
Calyx: sage green with a trace of dark purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: bouquets, crafts, potpourri, landscaping
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Riverina Alan'
Description: evergreen shrub; Vigorous growth into an ultimately large shrub. Very large, long dark purple flower spikes on very long stems, ideal for crafting. One of the best for mass plantings and hedges.
Height: to 4 ft. Spread: to 5 ft.
Stem length: 15-30 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, essential oil, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Riverina Thomas'
Description: evergreen shrub; bred for vigor and oil yield. Long-blooming with very large, tapered flower spikes. One of the best for lavender wreaths and other crafts that require long stems. Essential oil is very similar to that of the parent plant, 'Grosso'.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 15-30 in.
Corolla: dark violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, essential oil, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia SCOTTISH COTTAGE 'Grey Hedge'
Description: evergreen shrub; upright, compact growth with narrow silver foliage and sweetly fragrant violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. One of the latest bloomers. Similar to 'Old English' but with very fragrant pale, pointed flower spikes and greyer foliage.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: bright violet-blue
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Seal'
Description: evergreen shrub; vigorous, upswept growth with gray-green foliage and pleasantly fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on long stems. Very floriferous; it is said that mature plants produce 1200-1400 flowerheads in one season.
Height: to 5 ft. Spread: to 5 ft.
Stem length: 16-22 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, bouquets, crafts, essential oil
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Silver Gray'
Common name(s): lavandin
Description: evergreen shrub; robust, bushy growth with broad, silver foliage and fragrant, soft violet flower spikes. A favorite for hedges. Similar to 'Old English' but more floriferous.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 18-22 in.
Corolla: bright violet-blue
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Sumian'
Description: evergreen shrub; a French field cultivar that at one point accounted for 7-10% of French lavandin production. It has a high oil yield but the oil does not mix well with alcohol so as a commercial crop it has mainly been used to perfume detergents and softeners or sold as dried bouquets. Bushy growth and pungently fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 10-14 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: soft dark violet
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: essential oil, bouquets, crafts, landscaping
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Super'
Description: evergreen shrub; a French field cultivar that gained popularity in the 1950s and 60s as 'Abriallii' began to fall out of favor. It is noted that the scent of 'Super' is closer to L. angustifolia than typical L. ×intermedia hybrids and it was reputed to have the best perfume of all the lavandins in the early 90s. It has mainly been used for soap fragrances and aromatherapy as a cheaper alternative to L. angustifolia oil. Robust, upswept growth and pleasantly fragrant violet-blue flower spikes on long stems.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 16-20 in.
Corolla: bright violet-blue
Calyx: soft dark violet with green near the base
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: essential oil, bouquets, crafts, landscaping
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Sussex'
Description: evergreen shrub; large and spreading with mid-green foliage and sweetly fragrant, tapered, light violet flower spikes on long stems. Makes beautiful fresh bouquets that are ideal for lavender wands, and other crafts.
Height: to 40 in. Spread: to 5 ft.
Stem length: 15-18 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet with sage green at the base
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, essential oil, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula ×intermedia 'Tuscan'
Description: evergreen shrub; bright silver foliage and fragrant, light purple flower spikes on long stems. Excellent for hedges and landscaping.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 12-15 in.
Corolla: light violet
Calyx: violet-blue
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: landscaping, crafts, bouquets
Lavandula ×losae
Description: evergreen shrub; a naturally occurring hybrid species (of L. lanata and L. latifolia) found in the arid mountains of Almeria and Murcia, Spain. Compact, silver foliage and long-blooming, branched flower spikes with very dark violet corollas. Rare in cultivation.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 18 in.
Stem length: 4-6 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: containers, rock gardens
Lavandula angustifolia
Often referred to as 'English lavender'; generally 2-3' tall and 2-3' wide with either pink, white, or violet-blue flower spikes in early summer. Preferred for culinary use, medicine, high quality essential oil, container plants, sachets and potpourri. Some cultivars will also bloom again in autumn.
Care: cultivars of Lavandula angustifolia are adapted to 3 months of summer drought and should be irrigated rarely or never once established. For longevity in a garden setting they should be sited in well-drained, low nutrient soils with good air circulation. Over-watering or fertilizing can lead to tender, rapid growth that is more susceptible to fungal attacks in summer and foliar damage in winter. Hard pruning should be done in early spring as well as a lighter pruning after blooming in late summer.
Lavandula angustifolia AFTER MIDNIGHT 'WWG002'
Description: evergreen shrub; robust, bushy growth and dark purple flower spikes on mid-length stems. Especially cold hardy and bred for performance in the high desert regions of New Mexico and Colorado. Excellent cut flowers.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Calyx: dark violet-blue
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, culinary, bouquets
Lavandula angustifolia 'Aimee Roberts'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, tidy growth and fragrant, light pink flower spikes on short stems held close to the foliage.
Height: to 15 in. Spread: to 18 in.
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: light pink
Calyx: whitish-green
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: culinary, landscaping, rock gardens, bouquets, crafts, essential oil
Lavandula angustifolia 'Alpine White'
Description: evergreen shrub; a rare, miniature lavender that thrives in containers and rock gardens. Pure white flower spikes on very short stems held just above the foliage.
Height: to 8 in. Spread: to 10 in.
Habit: rounded, compact
Stem length: 3-4 in.
Corolla: pure white
Calyx: sage green
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: culinary, rock gardens, containers
Lavandula angustifolia 'Arctic Snow'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, rounded growth with fragrant, pure white flower spikes on short stems held just above the foliage. Ideal for low hedges and landscaping.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 18 in.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: pure white
Calyx: sage green
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, culinary
Lavandula angustifolia 'Ashdown Forest'
Description: evergreen shrub; tidy, compact growth and very fragrant, dense violet flower spikes on short stems held just above the foliage. Highly recommended for hedges or mass plantings.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: mid violet
Calyx: soft violet
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, containers, culinary
Lavandula angustifolia 'Avice Hill'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, spreading growth and sweetly fragrant dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Typically flowers slightly later than most L. angustifolia cultivars.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-12 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: culinary, essential oil, bouquets, crafts, landscaping
Lavandula angustifolia 'Baby Blue'
Description: evergreen shrub; small, compact growth and fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Ideal for containers and rock gardens.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 18 in.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Calyx: dark violet-blue
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, containers, culinary
Lavandula angustifolia 'Backhouse Purple'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth and fragrant, dark purple flower spikes on short stems held just above the foliage. Performs well in rock gardens and containers.
Height: to 15 in. Spread: to 15 in.
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: mid violet
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, containers, culinary
Lavandula angustifolia 'Beechwood Blue'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth and faintly fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Though faint, the fragrance is sweet and is an ideal choice for culinary use.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-12 in.
Corolla: vibrant violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets
Lavandula angustifolia 'Betty's Blue'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, silver-green foliage and fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Dark flower buds hold their color well when dried and are a favorite for potpourri.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 8-12 in.
Corolla: mid violet
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri
Lavandula angustifolia BLUE CUSHION 'Schola'
Description: evergreen shrub; rounded growth, gray-green foliage, and mildly fragrant, pale purple flower spikes on short stems held just above the foliage.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: soft lavender-violet
Calyx: soft mauve-violet
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, sachets
Lavandula angustifolia 'Blue Ice'
Description: evergreen shrub; bushy growth with especially broad foliage and pleasantly fragrant flower spikes on mid-length stems.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: dark violet-blue with a white center
Calyx: pale ice green with a pinkish apex
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, sachets
Lavandula angustifolia 'Blue Mountain'
Description: evergreen shrub; similar to 'Hidcote' and 'Imperial Gem' but it is later flowering than both with more compact, uniform spikes and a more compact growth habit with longer leaves. Very tight growth with strongly fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. One of the best fragrances of the dark-flowered L. angustifolia cultivars.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: vibrant violet with a paler center
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: culinary, landscaping, bouquets, crafts, containers
Lavandula angustifolia 'Blue Mountain White'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth and sweetly fragrant, pure white flower spikes on mid-length stems. Excellent for low hedges or containers.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 6-10 in.
Corolla: pure white
Calyx: sage green and somewhat woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: culinary, landscaping, containers, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Blushing Bride'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth and blush pink flower spikes on mid-length stems. Light, sweetly fragrant flowers are ideal for culinary applications, especially desserts.
Height: to 15 in. Spread: to 15 in.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: pale, blush pink
Calyx: dark purple and sage green at the base, very woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, essential oil, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Bouquet'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth and fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on long stems. Very floriferous and reputed to be especially cold hardy. Flowers dry well.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 12-15 in.
Corolla: pale violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: bouquets, potpourri, landscaping, culinary, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Bowles's Early'
Description: evergreen shrub; bushy, upright growth and strongly fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-12 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: mid violet with sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Brabant Blue'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth and fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. A choice lavender for culinary use with a somewhat fruity aroma.
Height: to 20 in. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: mid violet with sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Brabant Lust'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth and fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. Especially attractive as a low hedge.
Height: to 20 in. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: mid violet with sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Buena Vista'
Description: evergreen shrub; open, airy growth and very fragrant, dark purple flower spikes on mid-length stems. A favorite for landscaping.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-12 in.
Corolla: bright violet-blue
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Cedar Blue'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, dense growth and strongly fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. Makes a tidy, low hedge.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-14 in.
Corolla: mid violet
Calyx: dark violet with sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Cedar Pink'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, dense growth and sweetly fragrant, pink flower spikes on mid-length stems. Forms an identical mound to 'Cedar Blue' and can be hedged together quite successfully. The sweetly fragrant flower buds are also delightful (and mild) in teas and desserts.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-14 in.
Corolla: pale pink
Calyx: sage green with violet at the tips
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Celestial Star'
Description: evergreen shrub; robust, vase-shaped growth and long, narrow white flower spikes with a lingering fragrance atop mid-length stems.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: pure white
Calyx: sage green
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Chelsea Pink'
Description: evergreen shrub; small, compact growth with gray-green foliage and sweetly fragrant, pink flower spikes on short stems. This is one of the darkest pink cultivars that we offer. An excellent culinary choice.
Height: to 15 in. Spread: to 18 in.
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: pink
Calyx: violet with sage green at the bottom, very woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: culinary, landscaping, rock gardens, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Coconut Ice'
Description: evergreen shrub; both pink and white flowers on the same flower spike, similar to 'Melissa'. Upright, bushy growth with gray-green foliage and mildy fragrant, pink and white flower spikes on mid-length stems. Named for the popular coconut ice candy of Australia and England.
Height: to 20 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: white or mid pink fading to soft pink
Calyx: dark purple with sage green at the base, very woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Croxton's Wild'
Description: evergreen shrub; robust growth and pleasantly fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. Reputed to be extremely cold hardy.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-12 in.
Corolla: mid violet
Calyx: dark purple, very woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Cy's Everblooming'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, rounded growth and fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Selected for its relatively long bloom period.
Height: to 15 in. Spread: to 18 in.
Stem length: 8-12 in.
Corolla: violet
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Cynthia Johnson'
Description: evergreen shrub; robust growth and fragrant, dark purple flower spikes on mid-length stems. Our go-to recommendation for an extremely cold-hardy lavender.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: violet
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia DARK SUPREME 'W.K. Doyle'
Description: evergreen shrub; richly fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Dried flowers hold color well and are ideal for potpourri and dried arrangements.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-14 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts, potpourri
Lavandula angustifolia 'De Lavande'
Description: evergreen shrub; selected from a wild population in Southern France. Very fragrant, long-blooming, violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Very cold-hardy.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-12 in.
Corolla: bright violet
Calyx: dark violet with sage green at the base, very woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, essential oil, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia DWARF WHITE 'Nana Alba'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth and sweetly fragrant, pure white flower spikes on short stems held just above the foliage. A sweet, mild option for culinary use and very comfortable in containers and rock gardens.
Height: to 15 in. Spread: to 18 in.
Stem length: 4-6 in.
Corolla: pure white
Calyx: pale green, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, culinary, containers
Lavandula angustifolia 'Egerton Blue'
Description: evergreen shrub; robust growth and fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Produces a very pleasant essential oil and is very suitable for culinary use and cut flowers.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 4 ft.
Stem length: 8-12 in.
Corolla: mid violet-mauve
Calyx: dark violet with violet overtones
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts, essential oil
Lavandula angustifolia 'Elizabeth'
Description: evergreen shrub; similar to 'Hidcote' but with lighter calyces and longer, fatter flower spikes. Upswept growth and fragrant, long, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. A favorite for both fresh and dried bouquets.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-14 in.
Corolla: vibrant violet
Calyx: dark violet with a bit of sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Eola'
Description: evergreen shrub; bright, silver foliage and very fragrant, violet flower spikes on mid-length stems.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: mid violet
Calyx: dark violet with sage green at the base, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Eunice'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, rounded growth with fragrant, dark purple flower spikes on short stems held close to the foliage. Notably low in camphor and very suitable for culinary applications. One of our top recommendations for containers or rock gardens.
Height: to 12 in. Spread: to 15 in.
Stem length: 4-6 in.
Corolla: mid violet
Calyx: dark violet, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, containers, culinary
Lavandula angustifolia 'Fairie Pink'
Description: evergreen shrub; tidy, compact silver foliage and sweetly fragrant, pale pink flower spikes on mid-length stems. Suitable for low hedges and containers.
Height: to 20 in. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: pale pink
Calyx: sage green, very woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, rock gardens, containers, culinary
Lavandula angustifolia 'Felice'
Description: evergreen shrub; Low, compact growth and very fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. Very tidy growth, ideal for hedges, containers, cut flowers, and more. One of our best sellers.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet, somewhat woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Fiesta'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, rounded growth and sweetly fragrant, bright violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Very free-flowering.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: mid violet
Calyx: dark violet, very woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Fiona English'
Description: evergreen shrub; upswept growth with gray-green foliage and mildly fragrant, violet flower spikes on short stems held close to the foliage.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: soft violet
Calyx: dark purple, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets
Lavandula angustifolia 'Folgate'
Description: evergreen shrub; tidy, narrow foliage and mildly fragrant, violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. A notably early bloomer with very neat flower spikes that make attractive bouquets.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: vibrant mid violet
Calyx: dark violet with sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Forever Blue'
Description: evergreen shrub; a compact cultivar reported to produce a high quality essential oil. Tidy growth and fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. Very prolific blooms.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, essential oil, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Frances'
Description: evergreen shrub; robust, spreading growth and very fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Makes a very pleasant essential oil.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-14 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet with sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, essential oil, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'French Fields'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, rounded growth and highly fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. An early bloomer and reliable re-bloomer for a second flowering in autumn. One of our best-sellers. Prized for culinary use, essential oil, and bouquets.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet with sage green at the base, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, essential oil, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Fring A'
Description: evergreen shrub; robust, spreading growth and mildly fragrant, dark violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. A relatively late-flowering cultivar favored for dried flowers.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: vibrant violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet with sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, potpourri, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Graves'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, upswept growth with gray-green foliage and fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Especially cold hardy.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet with sage green at the base, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Gray Lady'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth with gray foliage and pleasantly fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Very cold hardy and excellent dried flowers.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: mid violet with a paler center
Calyx: dark violet with sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri
Lavandula angustifolia 'Helen Batchelder'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, rounded growth and mildly fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. Very suitable for rock gardens and containers.
Height: to 22 in. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: bright violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, rock gardens, containers
Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote'
Description: evergreen shrub; we propagate and offer the original 'Hidcote' clone that can be traced back to the original propagation by Loddon Nurseries in the 1920s. Compact, silver foliage and strongly fragrant, dense, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Prized for use in hedges and dried flowers. Relatively slow-growing and long-lived.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: mid violet with a white center
Calyx: dark violet, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote Pink'
Description: evergreen shrub; gray-green foliage and sweetly fragrant, pale pink flower spikes on mid-length stems.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: pale pink
Calyx: greenish white, very woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Imperial Gem'
Description: evergreen shrub; similar to 'Hidcote' but taller with denser flower spikes. Compact, upright growth with gray-green foliage and strongly fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Ideal for dried bouquets and potpourri.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-14 in.
Corolla: vibrant violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia JEAN DAVIS 'Rosea'
Description: evergreen shrub; upright growth with bright green foliage and sweetly fragrant, pink flower spikes on mid-length stems. The greenest leaves of any pink-flowered cultivar.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: off-pink
Calyx: purple-green with sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Karen Langan'
Description: evergreen shrub; selected for attractive, silver-gray foliage and dark flower buds. Compact, rounded growth and fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems in early summer and again in autumn. A very reliable rebloomer suitable for low hedges and potpourri.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: mid violet
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Lady Ann'
Description: evergreen shrub; one of the smallest of the pink-flowered cultivars. Very low, compact growth and sweetly fragrant, off-pink flower spikes on short stems held just above the foliage. An excellent choice for culinary use and containers.
Height: to 8 in. Spread: to 8 in.
Stem length: 4-6 in.
Corolla: off-pink
Calyx: sage green with a hint of pink at the apex
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, containers, rock gardens, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Lavenite Petite'
Description: evergreen shrub; very floriferous with distinctive pompom-shaped flower spikes. Compact growth and fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. Well-suited for containers and rock gardens.
Height: to 20 in. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: vibrant violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base, very woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri
Lavandula angustifolia LITTLE LADY 'Batlad'
Description: evergreen shrub; tidy, compact growth and strongly fragrant, vibrant violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Suitable for low hedges and containers.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: mid violet, white in the center
Calyx: mostly sage green with dark violet at the apex
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, containers, rock gardens
Lavandula angustifolia LITTLE LOTTIE 'Clarmo'
Description: evergreen shrub; tidy, low growth and quite fragrant, mauve-pink flower spikes on mid-length stems. Free-flowering with relatively long flower spikes. A favorite for containers and culinary use.
Height: to 16 in. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: pale mauve-pink
Calyx: sage green with a hint of purple, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, containers
Lavandula angustifolia 'Loddon Blue'
Description: evergreen shrub; has held an award of garden merit since the RHS lavender trials in 1963. Originally promoted as a stellar rock garden plant but also quite suitable for containers and low hedges. Low, compact growth and fragrant, vibrant violet flower spikes on mid-length stems.
Height: to 22 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: vibrant violet
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, rock gardens, containers, bouquets
Lavandula angustifolia 'Lullaby Blue'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth and sweetly fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. One of our personal favorites as well as a best seller. An excellent culinary lavender with high quality essential oil.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark purple, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts, essential oil
Lavandula angustifolia 'Maillette'
Description: evergreen shrub; a French field variety grown since the 1950s for its ease of cultivation and resistance to disease. In 1999, it represented 40-50% of the L. angustifolia essential oil production in France. Popular in the perfume industry because the oil mixes well with alcohol. As of 2000, there were at least five different clones under the name 'Maillette' in just the Alpes-de-Haute Provence of France but it is probable that there is only a single clone in the U.S. market. Upswept growth with gray-green foliage and strongly fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-14 in.
Corolla: dark violet-blue
Calyx: dark purple, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, essential oil, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Martha Roderick'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth and fragrant, vibrant violet flower spikes on short stems held just above the foliage. A heavy bloomer that has been widely used in the U.S. for dried floral bouquets.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: vibrant violet
Calyx: violet, sage green at the base, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets
Lavandula angustifolia 'McKenzie River Purple'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth and fragrant, dense burgundy-purple flower spikes on mid-length stems. One of the darkest dried flowers.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: pale violet
Calyx: dark violet with tones of burgundy
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Melissa'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact foliage and very sweetly fragrant, white flower spikes that become pink as they mature on mid-length stems. Prized for high quality essential oil and culinary use. Earlier and longer-blooming than most pink-flowered cultivars.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: opens white and then becomes off-white with a pink-mauve center
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, essential oil
Lavandula angustifolia 'Melissa Lilac'
Description: evergreen shrub; broad, gray-green foliage and pleasantly fragrant violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. Uniformly woolly calycles catch evening and morning light to create a slight glowing effect. Ideal for culinary use and essential oil.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Middachten'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth and strongly fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems.
Height: to 20 in. Spread: to 20 in.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark purple, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Miss Katherine'
Description: evergreen shrub; declared to be the best pink-flowered lavender in the RHS lavender trials at Wisley in 2002. Tidy, compact growth and fragrant, mid-pink flower spikes on mid-length stems. One of the darkest of the pink-flowered lavenders.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: mid-pink mauve
Calyx: pale purple, sage green at the base, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Mitcham Grey'
Description: evergreen shrub; bushy growth with gray-green foliage and fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Notably long-blooming with flowers that dry well in bouquets and potpourri.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: mid-violet
Calyx: dark purple, sage green at the base, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead'
Description: evergreen shrub; widely confused in the trade. Authentic clones of the original 'Munstead' are hard to come by; our stock comes from the national collection of England and is the same clone that was awarded in the 1963 trials at Wisley. Compact growth and sweetly fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on relatively short stems held just above the foliage.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: mid-violet
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Myra'
Description: evergreen shrub; selected for its high quality, low camphor content essential oil. Compact growth and very fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: mid violet
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, essential oil, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Nana'
Description: evergreen shrub; tidy, compact growth with silver-gray foliage and fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on short stems held just above the foliage. Suitable for containers and rock gardens or a very low hedge.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 18 in.
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, containers, rock gardens, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Nana Atropurpurea'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, broad gray-green foliage and fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: vibrant violet
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'New Zealand Blue'
Description: evergreen shrub; fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. One of our top recommendations for culinary use.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'No. 9'
Description: evergreen shrub; an early-flowering field cultivar selected from stock near the Puget Sound, WA by Norfolk Lavender around the 1950s. Tidy, compact growth and strongly fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. Very floriferous with high quality essential oil.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark purple, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, essential oil, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Norfolk-J2'
Description: evergreen shrub; robust growth and strongly fragrant, violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Very popular for drying but not considered suitable for essential oil production.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: vibrant violet
Calyx: dark purple, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Opal Rain'
Description: evergreen shrub; tidy, compact growth with gray-green foliage and sweetly fragrant, pink flower spikes on mid-length stems. Calyces are exceptionally woolly, appearing almost white. Pink corollas darken as they age. A favorite for culinary use and essential oils, and one of our fundraiser plants.
Height: to 20 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: pale pink
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base, very woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Pacific Blue'
Description: evergreen shrub; rounded, spreading growth and sweetly fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Very popular for essential oil, the cut flower trade and hedging, especially in New Zealand.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: mid violet
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, essential oil, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Pacific Pink'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth and sweetly fragrant, pale pink flower spikes on mid-length stems. A favorite for culinary use.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: off-pink
Calyx: dark purple-mauve, sage green at the base, very woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Pastor's Pride'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact gray-green foliage and very fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems in early summer and again in autumn. A reliable re-bloomer provided the first flush of flowers is cut back in a timely manner. Popular for dried bouquets.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Peter Pan'
Description: evergreen shrub; low, compact growth and fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. One of the lowest growing dark-flowered cultivars. Suitable for containers and rock gardens.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: vibrant violet
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, containers, rock gardens, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Premier'
Description: evergreen shrub; vigorous growth and fragrant large, fluffy, violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. A reliable re-bloomer used primarily for landscaping.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: mid violet
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Princess Blue'
Description: evergreen shrub; dense gray-green foliage and strongly fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on relatively long stems.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 12-15 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Purity'
Description: evergreen shrub; low, compact growth and sweetly fragrant, pure white flower spikes on short stems held just above the foliage. Especially woolly calyces give the flower spikes a very white appearance, moreso than many other white-flowered cultivars. Ideal for containers and rock gardens.
Height: to 15 in. Spread: to 18 in.
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: pure white
Calyx: sage green, very woolly with an overall whitish appearance
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts, containers, rock gardens
Lavandula angustifolia 'Purple Bouquet'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth and fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Ideal for dried floral bouquets and potpourri.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-14 in.
Corolla: mid violet
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Purple Treasure'
Description: evergreen shrub; gray-green foliage and fragrant, purple-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: mid violet with blue-violet centers
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Rebecca Kay'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth and fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Ideal for dried flower bouquets.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Royal Purple'
Description: evergreen shrub; favored for dried flowers and hedges but not essential oil. Upright, splayed growth and very fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on relatively long stems. Ideal for crafting and bouquets.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 14-16 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Royal Velvet'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth with gray-green foliage and very fragrant, dark purple flower spikes on long stems. Considered by many to be one of the best for dried bouquets, wreaths, oil and culinary use.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 14-16 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, essential oil, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Sachet'
Description: evergreen shrub; selected for its strong, heady fragrance, large flowers, and hardiness. Compact, symmetrical growth and very fragrant, violet flower spikes on short stems held just above the foliage. Favored for its dried flowers in sachets, potpourri, etc.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: mid violet-mauve
Calyx: dark purple, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Sarah'
Description: evergreen shrub; small in stature with sweetly fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Older plants are extremely floriferous and will cover the shrub in flowers. A reliable re-bloomer in autumn.
Height: to 22 in. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Seal's Seven Oaks'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact growth and fragrant, dark violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. One of the earliest lavenders to bloom in our Oregon climate and a reliable re-bloomer in autumn.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark purple, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Sharon Roberts'
Description: evergreen shrub; open, lax growth and very fragrant, dark violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. Very long-blooming.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia SHORT 'N SWEET 'Susan Belsinger'
Description: evergreen shrub; open growth with gray-green foliage and fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on short stems held just above the foliage. According to DeBaggio "the short and sweet part is the light blue flowerhead" which is typically only an inch long and densely barrel-shaped. Very unique and a reliable re-bloomer in autumn.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: dark violet-blue
Calyx: mostly sage green with streaks of dark purple
Bloom season: early summer and again in autumn
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Skylark'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, sturdy growth with pleasantly fragrant, dark violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. Small in stature, early-blooming, and quite floriferous.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia SLEEPING BEAUTY 'Carolyn Dille'
Description: evergreen shrub; as described in the 1990 DeBaggio Catalog: "as the flower spikes develop, the pointed head is bent over as if nodding. As buds begin to color in late May, the head straightens up". Relatively slow-growing with fragrant, light-blue flowers on mid-length stems.
Height: to 20 in. Spread: to 20 in.
Stem length: 8-12 in.
Corolla: pale violet
Calyx: violet-blue
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Spira'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, silver-green foliage and fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems.
Height: to 20 in. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'St. Jean'
Description: evergreen shrub; gray-green foliage and sweetly fragrant, long, pink flower spikes on mid-length stems. The longest flower spikes of any pink-flowered lavender currently in cultivation.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: pale pink
Calyx: violet, sage green at the base, very woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Summerland Supreme'
Description: evergreen shrub; small in stature with gray-green foliage and fragrant, dark violet-blue flower spikes on short stems held just above the foliage. A reliable re-bloomer in autumn and recipient of an Award of Merit from the 1961 lavender trials at Wisley.
Height: to 15 in. Spread: to 18 in.
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base, woolly
Bloom season: early summer and again in autumn
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Super Bleu'
Description: evergreen shrub; a French cultivar selected for its dark blue flowers that is popular in their floral industry. Gray-green foliage and fragrant, dark purple flower spikes on relatively long stems. Long-blooming and floriferous.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-14 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet, slightly woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Thumbelina Leigh'
Description: evergreen shrub; small in stature with pleasantly fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on short stems held just above the foliage. Short, dense flower spikes. An excellent lavender for containers and rock gardens.
Height: to 22 in. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 4-6 in.
Corolla: mid violet with a pale center
Calyx: dark violet, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, containers, rock gardens, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Tucker's Early Purple'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, upright growth and very fragrant, dark violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. One of the earliest and longest-blooming of the L. angustifolia cultivars.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: dark violet-blue
Calyx: violet, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Twickel Purple'
Description: evergreen shrub; upright, sprawling growth with fragrant, dark violet-blue flower spikes on relatively long stems. Some of the longest stems of any of the L. angustifolia cultivars and prized for use in crafting and large bouquets.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 12-18 in.
Corolla: vibrant violet
Calyx: violet-mauve
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Twilight Dancer'
Description: evergreen shrub; robust growth with broad, gray-green foliage and fragrant, dark violet flower spikes on mid-length stems. Fuzzy calyces (buds) catch the morning and evening light to create a slight glowing effect around the flower spikes during dawn and dusk.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: mid violet, pale at the center
Calyx: dark violet, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Two Amys'
Description: evergreen shrub; fragrant, dark violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. Long-blooming.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia TWO SEASONS 'Irene Doyle'
Description: evergreen shrub; very fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on short stems bloom in early summer and again in autumn. Produces a high quality essential oil.
Height: to 20 in. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: vibrant violet
Calyx: dark purple with sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Victorian Amethyst'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact, silver-green foliage and very fragrant, dark violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. Popular for landscaping and hedges.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 30 in.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark purple, sage green at the base, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia VIOLET INTRIGUE 'Lavang21'
Description: evergreen shrub; upswept growth and fragrant, dark purple flower spikes on mid-length stems. Very impressive when planted en masse or hedges. Popular as an oil plant in New Zealand where it is very decorated with essential oil awards.
Height: to 30 in. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 10-12 in.
Corolla: vibrant violet
Calyx: dark purple
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Wee One'
Description: evergreen shrub; compact and low-growing with fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes on short stems held close to the foliage. Flower spikes are notably small and dense. Suitable for containers and rock gardens. Very cold-hardy.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: mid violet
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, rock gardens, containers, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Willow Pond Dwarf'
Description: evergreen shrub; small in stature with fragrant, dark violet-blue flower spikes on mid-length stems. A reliable re-bloomer in autumn.
Height: to 15 in. Spread: to 18 in.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: mid violet, pale at the center
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base, woolly
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula angustifolia 'Wyckoff'
Description: evergreen shrub; upright growth with gray-green foliage and very fragrant, dark violet-blue flower spikes on short stems held just above the foliage. Produces an excellent dried flower.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Calyx: dark violet, sage green at the base
Bloom season: early summer
Best Uses: landscaping, culinary, bouquets, potpourri, crafts
Lavandula buchii var. buchii
Description: evergreen shrub; a species endemic to Tenerife in the Canary Islands. L. buchii var. buchii is distinguished from other varieties of L. buchii by its short, branched flower spikes (4-6 cm.) at the end of each peduncle (stem). Not considered to be hardy in our climate but it can be easily wintered over in a greenhouse or grown as an annual outdoors. Vigorous growth to full size in one season.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-12 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Bloom season: year round (if protected from frost)
Best Uses: containers, as an annual
Lavandula dentata var. dentata
Description: evergreen shrub; a widespread species with two disjunct populations found in the Southwest Mediterranean and in Eastern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Aromatic, toothed (from which it derives the species name "dentata") green foliage and long-blooming pale violet blue flowers. Considered half-hardy in our climate but will be considerably longer-lived grown in very lean, gritty soils with little to no supplemental water.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: pale violet-blue
Bloom season: spring to autumn
Best Uses: containers, rock gardens
Lavandula dentata var. dentata 'Dusky Maiden'
Description: evergreen shrub; selected for vigor and improved cold hardiness compared to other selections of L. dentata. Compact, bushy growth with aromatic, toothed (from which it derives the species name "dentata") green foliage. Violet-blue flowers from spring through autumn.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 18 in..
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: containers, rock gardens
Lavandula dentata var. candicans
Description: evergreen shrub; a variation of L. dentata with silver-gray foliage found only in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Aromatic, toothed (from which it derives the species name "dentata") foliage and long-blooming pale violet-blue flowers. Considered half-hardy in our climate but will be considerably longer-lived grown in very lean, gritty soils with little to no supplemental water.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 3 ft.
Stem length: 8-10 in.
Corolla: pale violet-blue
Bloom season: spring to autumn
Best Uses: containers, rock gardens
Lavandula latifolia
Description: evergreen shrub; rounded growth and broad, aromatic foliage with high camphor content. Branched violet-blue flower spikes in summer.
Height: to 2 ft. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 8-12 in.
Corolla: violet-blue
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: containers, rock gardens
Lavandula lanata
Description: evergreen shrub; endemic to Southern Spain. Compact, upswept growth with woolly, silver foliage and dark violet flower spikes in summer.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 18 in..
Stem length: 6-8 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: containers, rock gardens
Lavandula minutolii
Description: evergreen shrub; upright, bushy growth with sweetly aromatic, finely cut foliage. Purple flower spikes from spring through fall. Not considered to be hardy in our climate but it can easily be wintered over in a greenhouse or grown as an annual outdoors. Vigorous growth to full size in one season.
Height: to 3 ft. Spread: to 2 ft.
Stem length: 4-6 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: containers, rock gardens
Lavandula rotundifolia
Description: evergreen shrub; endemic to Cape Verde. Aromatic, dissected foliage and purple flower spikes in spring through autumn. Not considered to be hardy in our climate but it can be easily wintered over in a greenhouse or grown as an annual outdoors. Vigorous growth to full size in one season.
Height: to 18 in. Spread: to 18 in..
Stem length: 4-6 in.
Corolla: dark violet
Bloom season: mid summer
Best Uses: containers, rock gardens